DISCOVER MIYAKO-From Shimojishima Airport- Imagine wearing Ryuusou, or traditional Okinawan dress, while you are surrounded by nature at this natural resort. Say your vows on a pristine white beach while surrounded by blue skies and blue ocean, uniquely possible with this destination wedding in Miyakojima. Miyakojima VR Tour (virtual reality tour) Reward yourself on the beautiful beach. Right amount of excitement and encounter are the best part of the trip! Do you know the magic of becoming beautiful? Around the world yearn Miyakojima diving spot. A cycling trip, trusting in the sound of the wind. Miyakojima tourism. How to enjoy a rainy day! How not to spoil the trip. When I take a trip,I pick a place that I can go together with my pet. Triathlon. Being supported by the warmth of people, running through the nature. Go to the colors of plenty island with a camera. Having enough feeling in resort. Making the memory a little richer for the journey between a husband and a wife. Taking the daily life away and go on to a surfing trip. A guy's solitary journey, having fun with hobbies. Receive the energy of nature with your body filled, this island is a whole vortex itself. The island filled with "nature" and "MONOZUKURI". "MONOZUKURI" is to build, or make something. This makes the life of people in Miyako-jima plentiful. With the amusement park named "nature",Dad and Mom and of course kids, learning and playing outside freely. The purpose of this trip is to eat! The charm in this island is seen from foodstuffs. On girls' journey in Miyako-Jima is enjoyable for shopping, beauty salons and visiting around cute cafés in greedy. Dear my love, the gift named "journey" for you. 宮古島Style 沖縄・宮古島エリアの観光旅行 menu style days movie access event Language 日本語 English 한글 简体中文 繁体中文 daysall 宮古島の一瞬一瞬をお届けしております 冬の日の暖かさ 雨が嘘のようにカラっと晴れると木陰では、心地よい風に合わせて暖かな木漏れ日が揺れる。それは短い冬の終わりを感じさせてくれるような、うららかな時間でした。 半袖日和の散歩 半袖日和の宮古島。こんな天気はトゥリバーを散... 南国の色彩花 宮古島の魅力は青い海や空だけではない。南国な... 空と海の視界 良く晴れた空の下、心地よい風に吹かれ気持ち良... 旧正月の祭典 旧正月の日。旧暦文化が色濃く残る宮古島では、... 白砂の青海 どこまでも白くて青くて透明できらきら!この色... movieall 島の魅力をお届けする、宮古島style動画チャンネル popular posts 島のさたばんびんガジュマルの木宮古島はサンゴの島!冬の日の暖かさ facebook Facebookを見る eventall 1月 宮古島100kmワイドーマラソン 宮古島全体を舞台に100キロという長丁場を走りぬく鉄人レース... 4月 宮古島海びらき 夏を告げる海びらきは毎年4月の第一日曜日に下地の前浜ビーチ... 4月 全日本トライアスロン宮古島大会 国内外のトップアスリートをはじめ大勢が参加する世界的大会... 4月下旬〜5月上旬 うえのドイツ文化村 鯉のぼりフェスト 4月下旬から5月上旬にかけて一千匹の鯉のぼりが泳ぎ、親子連... 5月 ビーチバレー宮古島大会 白い砂浜が続く前浜ビーチで開催。地元をはじめ全国から参加...